A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, April 10, 2023

The Light of a Soul

 They say that if you are overwhelmed,
If you're trapped in darkness
And there's no hope in sight,
Than you should look upwards,
Look towards the light.

I'm drawn to it
As a moth would be 
To a flame.
This burning 
Deep within me
Won't fade no matter how hard
I try to ignore it.
For while they say that if you enter the light,
You will find true peace and harmony,
What they don't tell you
Is that to enter it,
You must give up all you know about the world.
Truth, knowledge, friendship,
All are meaningless 
When you leave the land of darkness

I feel it coursing through me,
This feeling of anger,
I look at the world around me and ask
"How can you not see the truth?
Can you not see the sunlight
Directly in front of your eyes?"

I shouldn't blame them,
Few people can see
Beyond the glare,
Beyond the moment they go blind
From the light that's within 
Us all.

Perhaps that's a good thing,
For I've seen this light destroy
Everything it sees.
The souls who couldn’t withstand it.
I move towards it,
Ignoring the warnings to move away.

I don't care how much I give up.
I don't care how much I might lose.
All I know is that I want to see the light within me,
Glowing like a star 
Right before it dies. 

Is it true that the light is a test of worthiness?
Or could it be that the light
Is the thing that will finally doom us all? 

All I know is that while others find safety in darkness,
Claiming the light of a campfire or lamp
Is enough to dull the pain of existence,
All I want is to see the light of the star within me,
And once I do, 
Then I know that I'll find happiness
At last. 

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