A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, April 3, 2023

As Long as There's a Lie (do-over)

 I've heard about reality,
A place where no one's heard.
A place of cold and emptiness
Where misery's assured.
People claim you need to know
What it is, so you'll get by.
But I'm sure that I'll be alright
As long as there's a lie.

As long as I don’t have to see
The ground beneath my feet,
So long as I pretend my world
Is always sugary and sweet,
Until they day the fates remind me
That not everything is fine,
I'm content to live my life
As long as there's a lie. 

So long as there's a lie,
I'm free to be what I am.
Good or bad, kind or mean,
Always happy as a clam.
I don't want much in this world
I know there will be days that I cry,
But I know It will all be okay,
As long as there's a lie.

But what if, someday, the truth breaks free,
And we're all forced to see what is real.
What if we're forced to remember
That the world goes beyond what we feel.
Can we let go of the dreams
That made our world glow bright?
Are we doomed to be stuck in darkness
With no sign of sunshine in sight?

As long as there's a lie,
I'll pretend that there's nothing wrong.
If people say this is what it is,
I'm happy to just go along.
If there's one thing I cannot do,
It's destroy the worlds we create
I know that within our hearts
Is a hunger I could never satiate.

So I'll keep my doubts in my heart,
Let my voice speak in whispers and sighs
For I know that we'll only survive
As long as there's a lie. 

I've heard about eternity
A place where we're all free,
A place of grace and beauty,
Sights too wonderful to see.
People say it won't exist
Until the day we finally die.
So we live in a world of simplicity,
As long as there's a lie.

But as we walk upon the rocks
In the ground beneath our feet.
It's become far to evident 
That life's not sugary and sweet.
Is this the day the fates remind us
That not everything is fine?
Will I no longer be able to live my life
When there's no longer any lies? 

This is the moment I realize
That I'm not free to be what I am.
Good or bad, kind or mean,
Cruel as a lion, or an innocent lamb.
I want a world where I am happy,
For I'm sick of the days when I cry.
I know that I can no longer be happy
As long as there's a lie. 

Today marks the day the world is reborn,
For the truth has broken free.
This is the moment we remember what's right,
And all the wonderful things we could be.
Let us create the new dreams
That will make our world glow bright.
If we're trapped in eternal darkness
Then it's up to us to bring forth the light.

I see now that I cannot lie
And pretend that nothing's wrong. 
If people say this is what it is,
I can't stay quiet, or just go along.
For if there's one thing that I must do,
It's remake what we have now destroyed.
I know that I have a moral duty
To keep us from staring into the void.

So I'll let my voice reach out
Far from where reality hides.
We can no longer be content to live only
As long as there's a lie. 

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