A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, March 27, 2023

Something to Wait For

 Everyone is standing on the platform,
Waiting for something to arrive.
A train? A Bus? A Taxi? 
I don't know
And nobody else seems to either.

No one remembers how we got here.
Nobody knows where they're going.
All we know is that we're waiting,
Waiting for something that doesn't seem
To want to come.

On and on we stand,
Our feet getting sore and our legs starting to give out.
You'd think they'd give us benches,
Or at least something to lean on,
But apparently we don't deserve it.
Or maybe they think that the more we suffer now,
The more we'll enjoy the ride when it gets here.

At this moment, I just want to know that something will happen,
That a vehicle will pull up to the platform in front of me
And take me somewhere I want to go.
I know it's silly, 
I know it could take me someplace 
I wish I'd never seen,
But I just want to know that I have something to wait for,
Something that will make the wait worthwhile. 

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