A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Saturday, March 11, 2023

A World Like Any Other

    When I was younger, I used to pretend that I had the ability to enter an alternate universe that was just like our universe, but didn't have any other people in it. How it worked and what you could do depended on what I felt that day, but one thing that stayed constant was that time didn't move while I was there. When I got bored, and wanted to see my friends and family again, I could go back home, and they wouldn't even notice that I'd been gone. 

     There are days when I wish that I could go back to The Past. Not because it was better, but because it felt like home. Life now and life prior to 2020 took place in completely different worlds, worlds that look almost identical, but have none of the same people. I can't tell if I'm a different person or not, I just know I'm the only person I know who's happier in our post 2020 world than the world we had before. But that doesn't mean this place feels safe, or welcoming. In some ways, being better off just makes me feel guilty. It doesn't help that I feel as though I could have had all that I have now without the world falling apart in the process. Whatever the case, I now have the world I dreamed of as a child, a world where I can do whatever I want without fear of consequence. But I always knew the only way this world would stay perfect would be if I could go back to the old world whenever I wanted to, without that, it's just a world like any other.  

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