A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The Fourth of July

     It's the fourth of July. Independence day. The day, supposedly, when Thomas Jefferson signed the piece of paper telling our British overlords to take their dumb taxes and shove them straight up their collective asses. This is the day we celebrate the notion that we are a free and fair country, a country so devoted to the idea of liberty and equality that when a man tried to tax people without consulting them first to see if it was okay, they got pissed. Strange, then, that from what I've heard only about a third of the population of the colonies wanted to break free from Britain. We have no official records, of course, because the founding father's didn't really care what the country wanted, they just wanted to rule the country as they saw fit. I suppose that we're just lucky that what they wanted turned out to be a pretty good idea. 

      As I watch a party of increasingly unhinged monsters stomp on any and all opposition, even if they're just imagining it, I have to wonder if maybe it's time to have another revolution. Why, exactly, are we letting Republicans take all of our power for themselves? They clearly don't respect due process, so I don't see why we should let due process stand in the way of justice. Let me put it this way; I grew up in a world where equality was valued and it was made very clear to me that a world where minorities had a voice was a just cause that all of us should stand behind. The vast, vast majority of Americans aren't actively choosing a world of suffering, most are just apathetic because they have to spend all of their time working and looking after their families. So we have to change that.

    Make a world where people have room to fight, and I guarantee they'll fight for what they want in the world. That's why our evil overlords are working us to death. That's why any option that might give people more room to breath or think for themselves is branded as immoral. Do you think it's an accident that being a jobless loser living with your parents is vilified? They did that because they knew the moment you stopped working, you'd see just how much the system is stacked against you. You aren't working to bring great things to the world, you're working entirely as a means of distraction. You work so that you don't notice just how horrible your life is. You work so that you see your coworkers working, so that the CEO of the faceless conglomerate you serve can build an enclosure around hundreds of thousands of people, trapping them in an illusion of value and trust. The CEOs of every country in the world work tirelessly to keep you as busy as possible, to make you think that you're valuable, but they show just how much they care about you every time they hand you your pay stub. Those of you working, and thus contributing, to this awful world, I must ask; are you happy?

    Things need to change. When 2020 obliterated our world, we should have let it go and moved on, but our leaders wouldn't let us, and too many were only too willing to let them get away with that because they were too frightened of seeing the Infinite to fight back. They didn't care that they had lost everything, nor did they seem to know that it was the fault of their leaders that they didn't have the means to fight back. What will it take for us to finally see that the world we live in now, a present we can't flee from no matter how hard we try, is completely inexcusable? How much more must we lose before we finally accept that the only thing this world has ever done for us, and all it will ever be able to do, is force us to see the Infinite up close? 

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