A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Sunday, July 23, 2023

I Believe in the Universe

    I have no idea how yesterday's post read, but I'm not sure I care. I just really, really needed to feel like someone could hear me even if that someone was just a server at google storing yet another blogpost no one will read. I'd call what I'm feeling depression, but it doesn't feel like every other time I've been depressed. Normally depression comes when I'm not doing something that I really don't want to do, but now I want to do something that would, if not fix the world, at least give the new one a head start, but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. If anything I feel like the world is actively stopping me. I've mentioned before that I don't think any of us want to know that what we see isn't real, and I suspect that's because the Universe only exists because everything within it, atoms and planets included, believes in it and the laws of physics.

    I believe in the Universe, of course, but I also believe that there will come a time when we know enough about it for belief to falter, and when it does then we'll need a backup plan. Even if humanity goes extinct, there will be other intelligent species in the Universe and it's entirely possible one of them will be born on earth. One way or another, someone is going to break the boundary between us and physics, and when they do we owe it to our descendants to grant them some way to fix their mistake. And if it turns out that I'm wrong, we'll still have a useful tool for building society, one that reminds us that no matter how much science we discover belief will never go away and we can never quite be sure that what we're seeing is real. 

     What I need is something to believe in, and I believe in a world where people will always have something we call magic within them, and there will always be a spiritual world that everyone know about that science will always disprove. I believe that we will never stop believing in the silly, the impossible, perhaps even the outright dangerous, not because we're evil or stupid but because it's what we were meant to do. I believe in a species of apes who believes in everything they see and quite a lot of what they can't see but can only speculate on. We are a species of Dreamers, and so long as we live in a world that's desperate for meaning, that will never change. 

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