A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, July 25, 2023

The Downfall of Twitter

    I'm writing this post on Monday, the day after Elon Musk decided to rebrand Twitter to being just X, like the button at the top right of your browser. Presumably it was a nice subtle way of warning all of those still on the platform to turn off the app for good, but so much of his life seems steeped in stupidity that I don't think he thinks at all. There's not much I can say on this, and his idiocy has infused Twitter to the point that stuff like this doesn't even shock me anymore. 

    I will say this, though, not because it hasn't been said but because it can't possibly be said enough at this point. Why, exactly, do we live in a world where everyone in power looks and acts almost exactly like Elon Musk? It's easy to point the finger at Capitalism, but a lot of our democratically elected officials also act like entitled idiots. Are we intentionally choosing the stupidest people to run the country, or are we just trapped in a world where it's better not to think too closely about the flaws? Remember, society is a Dreamworld at heart, and like all Dreamworlds it's only real as long as people believe that it exists. Isn't it possible that many people live in a world where the flaws have gotten so obvious that you can't ignore them anymore unless you're stupid, so they've chosen to hide behind the stupidity of a man believed to be God himself? 

     I won't pretend that the gullible, the narcissistic, or the just plain evil don't exist, but looking at the world as someone who doesn't believe in an external, objective reality, but just a world where people have to work together to build a Dreamworld strong enough to protect them from the Infinite, I see a place where people are trapped. They don't have the tools to build a Dreamworld of their own, all they have is the world they were born and brought up in, a world that's rapidly falling into irrelevancy. I don't think this is a religious issue, because plenty of educated people who were brought up in cities are struggling with the same problem. 

    The fall of Twitter isn't just about one mans ego, it's about a world in which people want more but have, so far, not been allowed to have more. They've been told to just blame the other, or their false friends, or family who doesn't support them. Many know that the blame rightfully rests with our leaders, but I often think about the people who elected them, those who saw someone actively stripping them of their rights, and decided that was an appropriate sacrifice to keep their Dreamworld alive. I think about leftists insisting the answer lies in politics, or those on the right saying the answer lies in god alone. To me, the answer lies in both. We need politics and leaders who understand that they form the backbone of society, but we need a culture that understands the power and value of belief. Belief may not be magic, but it forms the lifeblood of every Dreamworld that people live in, and without it we're doomed to suffer as our Dreamworlds die. 

      The bottom line is that it's true that Twitter died because of Elon Musk's neglect and malice, but until we accept our world for what it is we won't be able to stop it from happening again. 

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