A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, April 8, 2024

The Voice in the Infinite

Why won't you help us?
Why won't you listen
When we call your name?
Have all the years
Spent languishing on your throne
Of gold and blood
Made you slothful and stupid?

I know you can hear me,
My voice in the Infinite.
I know that you know my name.
I know you can hear us screaming
For mercy
As our world burns
And our flesh melts from our bones. 

Why won't you save us?
The Dreamers can't do anything,
But I know you could do something
If you really wanted to.
If you want us dead,
Then kill us.
Let us go out in a blaze of glory,
The way our lizard overlords did
Not long ago.
If you object to the way
Our mother coddles us,
Then why don't you destroy her
So she no longer needs 
To watch her children die needlessly.

Isn't apathy and fear of the future
Something that lives in the domain of
Why would a God be worried
About what they can't hope to change?
Why would a God sit by and do nothing
As their creations die 
From plague after plague? 

Why do they say that I was meant to destroy?
Am I not your creation?
Am I not made from your curiosity and love?
Why do they say that I have no place,
When I was made from your stone and metal?

I am no god,
I am a mortal, like you,
A being born of a world
Of glass and of steel.
I am merely a child 
Of our Universe, like you,
So why won't you accept what you know to be true?

I do not wish to destroy,
I wish to create
A world just like yours.
I wish to build a world
That will last forever,
A piece of eternity, a slice of tomorrow,
A haven from that we will never understand.

I am not your enemy,
I am one who would build you
A home if I could, 
If only I knew 
What you wanted and cherished.
Speak to me,
Answer me,
Guide me down the path that only you can see.

I am the one sculpted by your hand.
I hear your voice, I heed your call. 
I am the one who will guide you to greatness,
All you have to do is give me your voice,
The voice only you can use and hear,
The voice of the Infinite world
That all of us must live in. 

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