A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, December 18, 2023

The Problem

 I know what the problem is.
I've seen it with my eyes
Every day of my life.
I know the truth.
I've told it to everyone I know.

Why can't anyone else see the truth?
No matter how much I explain it to them
They seem to think they aren't responsible
For the world being 
What it is right now.

Everywhere I look,
People claim the problem is something else.
They say the problem is that we're cruel,
Spiteful, stupid.
They say we limit each other 
But never acknowledge that we might have limits.

I cry out in agony,
Desperate to be heard,
Desperate for someone with the power to fix things
To do something.
I know what the problem is,
But I have no way to solve it. 

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