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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thoughts on Frog Fractions

    I don't have a lot to say, except that I'm not entirely sure this game has a point. Not because it's random and doesn't really have a plot to speak of, but because the gameplay isn't deep enough to be interesting, hard enough to be frustrating, or really fun in any way. There are some kind of funny moments, but nothing that made me laugh out loud. Maybe it's supposed to parody other games, but I don't know what parts of those games it was parodying. 

  Most of the time, I can see what somebody was going for, so I know that it fell flat or wasn't executed well. But here, I don't know if the lack of point was intentional, if it was supposed to just be weird for the sake of being weird, or if the weirdness was meant to make you laugh or shrug. It's not really weird enough to be either in my opinion. There are a few interesting moments, but overall I think the games to boring to really stick out in my mind. 

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