A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Future

 A song by Ellen Thompson
Is this my present, or is it a prison?
I belt out my thoughts but nobody wants to listen.
Have I committed a cardinal sin? Will I ever be forgiven?
Because this isn't the life I was planning on living.

My parents always told me that tomorrow was today.
Nothing was better at pushing dreams away.
My dreams would never change the world, what more is there to say?
I never dreamed that thing's would be different one day.

Is this my present, or is it a prison?
I thought things would stay the same, but even the climate's inconsistent.
Have I committed a cardinal sin, will I ever be forgiven?
Am I doomed to sing so badly that nobody wants to listen?

I try to think of the moment and not think about tomorrow.
To do anything else leaves me overwhelmed with sorrow.
They told me my greatness would only grow and grow,
So now I'm left paying interest on the time I borrowed.

Is this my present, or is it a prison?
I scream out my thoughts but nobody wants to listen.
What sin have I committed? How will I be forgiven?
Because I hope to god this isn't the only life I'll live in.

People keep saying that life is getting better,
They say the future's bright if we only worked together,
But the mathematicians among us say things can't go up forever,
So the bad times we're stuck in is something we must whether.

Is this my present, or is it a prison?
I don't know why I'm talking, nobody's going to listen.
Tell me what's going wrong, so that I can be forgiven,
Or else let me die, because I can't remember living.

Those of us in glass houses don't dare throw a stone,
But it would be nice if those in charge would throw us a bone,
I want to live in a community, not die poor and alone.
But as I sit and suffer, our kings sit on their thrones.

Is this my present, is it a prison?
I'll sing my song forever, somebody has to listen.
Through hard work and contribution, I'm sure I'll be forgiven,
And someday soon, I'm sure, I'll love the life I'm living. 

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