A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Thursday, November 14, 2019

November 14, 2019

   I've been working on filling up all my unfilled notebooks, in an attempt to creates something I'm genuinely proud of. I've also been working on getting a job, partly because I want tot get out of the house more and partly because my mom's getting increasingly angry at me for sitting at home all day and not doing any work either inside or outside the house (for reference, I'm 24). I figured that I'd make a step towards solving both problems by writing on this blog each day. Hey, someone might find my mindless ramblings about nothing of substance interesting. I can't possibly be the no one who laughs at things that aren't objectively funny, while at the same time disliking professional comedy.
   I don't really have a concrete plan of what I want to write, so I think it'll mostly be whatever I want to write on that particular day. I'd say thank god for writing prompts, but frankly I'm past the point where I find them helpful.
   I have a very active imagination. I don't want to say that it's "good" or "bad" because I frankly don't know, but I do know that I enjoy imagining things intensely. It's mostly escapism. I feel the same way about socializing that most people feel about math, and as a result so called "normal" life ranges from hard to nearly impossible, so imagining things helped me to cope with the stress of the outside world.
   I didn't start "writing" in any real capacity until I was about 10-11, when I got consistent access to a word processing program. My handwriting when I was in elementary school was terrible, and I didn't like writing for very long periods of time. With a computer I could write stories, though I never finished them, which is still a problem for me now.
   The strange thing is that when I was really young I was convinced that I would become an artist when I got older. Not because I liked art or was any good at it, but because the images I got in my head were so vivid, to me anyways, that I thought I would have to draw them out. What made me realize that I could write instead was when I read in a book (I think it was Lily's Crossing) that daydreamers make good writers. I was really excited when I found out because I enjoyed coming up with stories far more than I liked drawing or creating other forms of art.
    I still enjoy writing from time to time, both on paper and on one of the dozens of art programs I have downloaded from the internet for free over the years. I don't know if it's normal for people, even artists, to download art programs just for the purpose of seeing what the different brushes will do. My favorite free program is Krita, the only one's I own that cost money are Corel home and student suite and ArtRage for my Kindle fires.
   I think that's enough writing for the day. What'll happen tomorrow? Maybe something better. Let's hope I learn how to write next time.

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