A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Be Yourself

    The thing I hate the most about living under capitalism is that you aren't allowed to be yourself. Everyone was told, through television and movies, that they shouldn't let the world choose who they were going to be. As morals go, it was deeply flawed, and it's been deconstructed by many. Not even I think we should all seek individuality, no world would survive being pulled in that many directions. But we went way, way too far in the opposite direction. Republicans are the worst, they preach individuality, but what they mean is that everyone needs to be part of a single individual being. They value the trappings of individuality, but they don't value people who question their motives or methods. Leftism is better, but even then people seem to feel the need for commonality, for a goal. Nobody wants to live in a world bound only by physics it seems, and I fear that our search for the one true rule set will destroy us. 

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