A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Monday, December 23, 2024

Endless Acquisition

 What happens when you have everything you could possibly need or want?
Why, you come up with new things to want,
Things you didn't even think of
Just a few days ago. 
Things that won't make you happy,
They just make you feel 
Like you have something to live for. 
Nobody wants to be perfect,
Yet all of us strive
For perfection.

So what happens when we reach 
The apex of our lives?
We live in a world 
Where that will never happen. 
Because our world was built by people
Who were already born rich
And can't imagine the lives
Those around them live.
Our world was built by those 
Doomed to decline
Unless they stole everything.
In an attempt to avoid this,
They built a house filled with everything
Except hope. 

So now that you find yourself at the top,
You can't help but stare
At the world around you,
A world you know will never be yours,
And you can't help but wonder,
Why do I need all of this stuff? 

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