A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Sunday, April 9, 2017

   Hi, everyone, my name is Kristen. Since my main hobbies are reading internet articles and watching Youtube videos, I figured I'd try my hand at creating internet content myself and start a Blog. The blog won't have a specific focus to start off with, it'll mostly be whatever I find interesting at that moment. Prospective topics are  reviews (of operas and phone apps mainly), short stories of the fiction and non-fiction variety, and whatever random thought's pop into my head. My plan at this point is to do a big post on Saturday, a question review on Sunday, and smaller random post throughout the week. As this is my first weekly post, I have decided to forgo answering questions for this Sunday.

Hope to see you next Saturday!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

   I watch A LOT of Youtube. It and TV tropes currently eat up about 90% of my time. I decided to start a blog because while I wanted to get my views out on the internet, I did not think I could ever really make it on Youtube or any platform requiring me to show my face ever, nor do I possess enough skill to be a good commentator of any sort. I decided that a blog would be better, but the problem with that is that I don't really read blogs all that much. And those I do read are mostly written by people who already have Youtube accounts.

    So I have decided to reach out to those of you who are currently reading to ask; what's your favorite blog? What subjects do you like to read about? What are your opinions on style? Do you think a blog needs to be funny? Does it need to have a steady stream of unique content? Do you just read because you like reading about the everyday lives of people other than yourself?

    Feel free to leave me a comment, and thank you for your feedback.  

Hello everyone

   Hi, My name is Kristen. Welcome to train of thought. I hope you enjoy long ramblings about meaningless things, because that's what this blog will mainly be about. I will be posting every week on Saturday, at least, with smaller posts throughout the week. If you have any questions, or want to know about anything, just leave a comment on the relevant post, and I'll answer all questions on Sundays.

   Have fun, and I'll see you on Saturday!