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Monday, March 30, 2020

Pandemic depression

   I miss the days when all we had to worry about was whether or not our esteemed leader was taking money from Russia. It sucked, but it was a huge step up from watching him drive the country into a ditch.
    I've never liked President Trump, even when he was just a sleazy asshole who kept winning at life despite screwing everyone he met, literally and figuratively. Up until about a month ago (or maybe it was two weeks? Time's slowed down to a crawl) if you had asked me if I wish he hadn't been elected, I would have said, "Of course I do, and I wish someone would assassinate him now, but would it have been better if we'd elected someone else?"
   What I mean by that is, while Trump was a giant dick, I always viewed the republican legislature as the real problem. They wanted control of the country, no matter the cost, and democrats keep giving it to them, despite the fact that that in no way helped matters. Than Covid-19 hit, and Trump proved himself completely incapable of handling things, though honestly he managed it better than I suspected he would.
    Trump may not be destroying the country, but he's leaving it in a much worse state than it was when he came to office. That's not an opinion, that's a fact. He could have, and should have, done a lot more when it became clear this pandemic was serious. It's not just his fault, but he's the one who has the loudest voice and the one most people are going to hear.
   Honestly, what scares me the most is that when this pandemic is over, thing's won't just go back to normal. We'll try, maybe we'll manage to convince ourselves that it's back to how this were before Covid-19 came and caused the economy to collapse for the second time in my lifetime. But there are a lot of cracks showing now, cracks that won't stop growing after this pandemic slowed down. I worry for our next president, he's going to have to deal with a country in shambles wondering what's going to happen and a fresh reminder of just how fragile our current system is. If he's smart, he'll put the economy and foreign policy aside and focus on helping people get to a point where they feel safe and happy. The problem is that a large number of people believe that a graph showing increasing profits is the highest priority anyone,  no matter their job or rank, should have, and that it's everyone's responsibility to keep it that way. We've pushed for that for so long I'm not sure we can stop. And when things do start to fall apart again? They'll focus on the people who don't need saving, and ignore the people who are really responsible for keeping the country going in a time of crisis. They've had multiple chances to change their ways, but their behavior has shown that they never will unless we force them to.

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