A Writer Looking to Change the World

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Sunday, July 7, 2024

     It's weird having four digits worth of posts, in a good way. I realize that I'm using the blog as a replacement for Twitter, but I think we all need a replacement for Twitter. I just wish there was a better way to find people who share my opinions of the world. Ah well, I can't undo the past. I'm here now, and that's all that matters. 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

    It's my one thousandth post, and on my birthday no less. I planned it this way, not going to lie. Today is a day of celebration, and I'm glad I've kept at it for as long as I have. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Someone Else's Mistake

 I can't help but worry
That one day I'll die
Due to someone else's mistake.
I don't want to live knowing 
That the future is beyond my control,
And I don't like knowing 
That the person responsible
Probably won't even care. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

    Happy Independence Day! Maybe one day I'll say this in an America that's truly free and fair for everyone. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Thank You

 Thank you for showing
 That the law no longer applies
To those at the top,
For now I have no reason
To follow any of your rules.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

    In light of the Supreme court telling Donald Trump that he's free to do whatever he wants, I think we need to admit that as far as our government is concerned, reality doesn't exist anymore. We're free to see the world as whatever we want it to be. I see the world as a place where Trump lost in 2016 and this election is between Hilary Clinton's successor and a bitter man who won't admit that he can't win. Even if you aren't actively denying reality, that's pretty much the case.

Monday, July 1, 2024

The Lucky

 This room is full of wealth
And beauty.
Manmade, of course,
But that doesn't stop millions 
From coming to see it.
They say that just by touching
The cups and the cutlery,
You'll be blessed with a thousand lifetimes of luck

No one knows where this story came from,
But we still believe it anyway.
Dancing under chandeliers
And the watchful eyes of our ancestors,
We hope that they'll allow us to 
Join the ranks
Of the lucky. 

Sunday, June 30, 2024

   It's the end of June, and we're one month closer to the next presidential election. I didn't watch the debate at all, I've just heard rumors that it was a shit show on all sides. I keep asking myself if I'm really prepared to deal with the fallout of another Trump term, since I doubt that fate will be kind enough to kill him in his sleep before we ever need to vote for him. Regardless, I've made piece with the fact that unless Biden does something that demonstrates unequivocally that he knows that America's hurting and he's willing to do whatever it takes to fix it, that's probably what will happen. I just can't stomach voting for a man responsible for guiding our country as it enables a genocide, and I know most people my age feel the same way. Even if that wasn't the case, I'm getting really sick of voting in elections where I have no meaningful choices because my views are fringe. What's the point of living in a democracy if I have no way to meaningfully express my beliefs? 

Saturday, June 29, 2024

    Have you ever thought about why you live where you do? Have you ever thought about what it would take for you to leave and find something different, something far away from where you live now? My mother is retiring soon, and that means it's soon going to be too expensive to live in Bellevue, the town that I've lived in ever since I was five years old. It hurts. I can't remember feeling truly at home or accepted here, but it still hurts. Most of Bellevue is made for the rich, for people who seem to have it all from a distance, but within it were these pockets where people who had less could find other people who had less and build community with them. Within these places, Bellevue felt alive and real. The pandemic killed off those places. Now Bellevue is a place where either you have everything or you have nothing, and we're just barely managing to hang on. Even if we could stay, I'm not sure we'd want to, the bad always outweighed the good. Even now, though, I keep hoping that somehow Bellevue will embrace the part of itself it wants so badly to hide; the part where people without any money who were just trying to get by used to live. If it could do that, than maybe we would be able to stay. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

On Average

 If you took every person alive today,
Added them together
And divided by seven and a half billion,
Would we be,
On average, 
A decent person?